There are so many reasons I love Waco and today I discovered another. I knew it was there and had been there before, but spending some time with my kids on the walkway along the river was a really fun reminder of how great Waco is. Someday, likely in the near future, the other side of the river will be all developed with all kinds of restaurants and things, but today we totally enjoyed it for what it is.
This week we've been learning about birds (specifically ducks) and I thought it would be a fun free field trip to go feed the ducks. (Yes, we are in school right now. We opted for a "year round" schedule that lets us take longer breaks throughout the year instead of being off for the entire summer when we would have to come up with things to do anyway and it's super hot outside.)
Anyway, back to the ducks. LadyBear and LittleBear both are really into Make Way for Ducklings right now and really enjoyed seeing actual mallard ducks up close and personal. This was a huge reminder to me of how I don't have to make our homeschool super fancy and complicated...the kids were thrilled with something as simple as feeding the ducks and we even got to bring Daddy along on his lunch break!
In the van on our way home, LittleBear was telling me all he knew about ducks and now wants to learn more about how they swim. And the learning continues...
It was a win-win all the way around. Thank you ducks of Wacotown!