Even three days after his 11-month birthday (and a day early for Aloha Friday), BabyBear was rockin' the Hawaiian styles today while hanging with Fred E. Bear for the photo shoot. (Special thanks to Fred for his cooperation and to Miss Sarah for her help as today's photo assistant.)
So what has BabyBear been up to in the past month? Plenty! For starters, he now very clearly has four teeth -- the center two on top and bottom. We both agree he looks more like a little boy and less like a baby.
I suppose those teeth are helping BabyBear tear through his favorite food: berries! Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, dewberries, berry yogurt, anything berry is devoured. Other favorites: raisins, graham crackers, cheese, and the ever-popular O's. He's also recently discovered the world of fruit -- apples, oranges, peaches, watermelon, etc. -- and loves that, too. Really, I think bananas and taco meat are about the only things he hasn't liked.
The other big thing has been BabyBear's newfound ability for getting around, thanks to the walker Bethany picked up for him. (Yay for coupons!) It only took him a couple of days to get used to it, and he now easily tears around the house (non-carpeted surfaces, anyway), easily executing three-point turns when he gets stuck and gleefully chasing the cat all over the house. (Orbit has been a very good sport, though after a few weeks of this, I think it may be growing old for him.) We'll get some video of that up soon.
We're now less than a month from BabyBear's first birthday, and while there likely won't be any moonbounces, multi-course meals or Swarovski crystal-embellished pacifiers, it will still be a grand affair. Stay tuned!
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