Sunday, January 11, 2009

Empty Me (a resolution from my heart)

I usually don't mess with New Year's Resolutions. I (like many people) don't keep them and why bother making a resolution I'm not going to keep?

However, this year, really since last Thanksgiving, I've had this song rolling around in my head (and in my car, and on my iPod, pretty much everywhere) and noticed some major changes that I'd like to have happen with me. It's less of a resolution and more of a prayer (because this is a work that only God could do!):

"Empty me, of the selfishness inside
Every vain ambition, and the poison of my pride
And any foolish thing my heart holds to
Lord, empty me of me so I can be...filled with you."

I love these words...This year promises to have several major changes for me (and those are just the ones I already know about!). Shifting responsibilities in my job, becoming a mother, all while still trying to fulfill my other roles (wife, friend, employee. etc.) to the best of my ability. The only hope I have of not completely messing those up is to let go of what I think should happen and let God fill me with what He knows is best. He has the big picture, He knows what is important, and best of all, He loves me and only wants the absolute best for me!! I can't lose really!

So, I need to stop thinking the world does (or should) revolve around me and start (once again) revolving my world around the only perfect One who has ever existed or will ever exist. I need to stop thinking, "I'm a good person, I'm doing ok..." when I'm just as sinful as the next guy and need Jesus' saving grace more than ever. I'm going to take it one day at a time, here goes...

Here is the song if you want to hear the whole thing:

Empty Me by Chris Sligh

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