That said, I do wonder sometimes what I would look like with facial hair. Thankfully, Gillette has come through for me with this fun little site. So, I thought I'd play around and see what style would work best for me.
First, the pencil 'stache:

Maybe something a little thicker?

More Rollie Fingers-ish?

Even wilder?

How about the Jim Hawkins/Mac Powell look?

Then there's the full beard...

And last but not least, what I like to call the "John the Baptist":

So what do you think? Leave your vote as a comment below.
The pencil 'stache...but I really vote for clean shaven. I'm with Bethany on that one.
lol, John the Baptist all the way.
Those are all just plain scary.
-Your loving sister :)
HA! This is fun. I'll take you any way I can get you dear...but if I had to pick one, I'd say the pencil...The "Even wilder" is too Terry O'Quinn Stepfather-ish for me!!
Reminds me of a Jimmy Buffet song called Pencil Thin Mustache - "I wish I had a pencil thin mustache, then I could solve some mysteries too."
Definitely clean shaven!
Go for (or I guess, rather keep) the clean shaven. Although the second one makes you look a lot like my dad-- he's had that type of mustache since he was in his early 20s, sans for about 6 months my senior year of high school. I almost didn't recognize him without it.
They're all kind of a shock. Though I'm definitely for a beard on Chet, I think clean shaven is the look for Jeff. It's a fascinating exercise....
I cast my vote for the handlebar!
I think you look most dashing. I just keep waiting for you to pull out your gold pocketwatch. hee hee
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