Outside my window... GORGEOUS day! Sunny, bright blue skies...ah, I love this time of year in Texas.
I am thinking... it would be really nice if the Phillies could come back and beat the Yankees to take the Series this year...I REALLY do not want the Yankees to win (and yes I know, technically I'm from New York).
I am thankful for... the peace, hope, love, grace and mercy extended to me every day by my precious Lord and Savior
I am wearing... Blue jeans (did you guess it?), long sleeved green t-shirt, and FUZZY SOCKS!!!!!
I am remembering... how much I love our Lifegroup. They are not only a wonderful bunch of friends, but I'm so thankful to have them as "family" for my little boy.
I am going... to be giving my washing machine and dryer a run for their money today...lots of laundry!!
I am reading... UGH, I am so behind on my reading, but that's ok...I'll get there. Here's my pile at the moment:
Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur
The Vaccine Book by Dr. Robert Sears
The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind by Bill Johnson
Those plus various issues of Better Homes and Gardens that I haven't gotten to yet.
I am hoping... BabyBear's diaper rash goes away soon. I feel so awful...the night before last he and I were up multiple times and I didn't change his diaper often enough because that wakes him up and I was trying to get him to sleep. Because of my selfishness, he has a raging diaper rash that (after being prayed for last night) thankfully is looking lots better, but I still feel guilty for the pain my little man is feeling...
On my mind... There are so many things to be thankful for. I'm so blessed!!
Noticing that... the living room is SO much brighter when there's not a giant armoire in front of the window (we just sold it on eBay)...I love the sunlight!
Pondering these words... "Rome wasn't built in a day." Not sure who said it...
From the kitchen... Tonight we're having homemade-from-scratch swedish meatballs and noodles with spinach on the side...one of my favorites and also Jeff approved!
Around the house... laundry, work (got a new project in), tidying up the place and playing with BabyBear
One of my favorite things... chocolate...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
From my picture journal...Fun colors!
1 comment:
All babies get diaper rashes. Just relax and enjoy your baby. A baby thrives on love. I know you will have a happy baby because of your love. T drawer with baby clothes is so neat and pretty. You must be a perfectionist. I enjoyed your blog. Your books sound great. Have a wonderful week. Doylene
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