Sunday, September 7, 2014

Happy Birthday, LadyBear!

We will have a full birthday blog post coming soon, but we wanted to post something today because today is LadyBear's second birthday!!!!

Thanks to Geoffrey's Birthday Club, the kids get a gift card each birthday from ToysRUs for $5 to spend on whatever they can find for that price, plus a helium foil balloon and a crown to wear around the store.  Today we took a trip for LadyBear to find something.  The customer service representative even made an announcement to the whole store that it was her birthday and for people to tell her "happy birthday" when they saw her. 

LittleBear was excited to show LadyBear around the store and tried to help her pick out something. 

They looked at all sorts of different things together including legos, trains, play food and several other things...

LadyBear found a train she really liked and we thought that might be the winner...

But in the end it was a small version of Cheer Bear the CareBear that won her affection and ended up coming home with us. 

He will make a happy addition to the house and will certainly make friends with all of our other bears :)

And for the record, LittleBear STILL plays with the cardboard playset he got a couple of years ago with his giftcard...

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