Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fun Things From Our Backyard: Goes Front!!!

Strange and wonderous creatures have moved from our backyard to the front (better outside than in, Orbit gets very playful when he finds something inside, which thankfully is not very often)!!! We found this guy crawling around on the front porch and the naturalist in Bethany had to take a picture and blog about it.

What do you think?

Some other fun critters we've noticed around the house lately:

One Saturday morning (not too early) we noticed invasion of Morning Doves in the driveway. We figured they were taking advantage of the pecans that had been run over by the cars...

There were also a few geckos running around...

So those were the fun critters running around our yard...

1 comment:

MommyBlogger said...

Joseph would have loved to have been there! :)