Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jeff, Bethany & BabyBear: Week 32

Eight more weeks to go until BabyBear is due to arrive! Wow, that sure doesn't sound like a very long time...

Jeff and I have been taking these childbirth classes at the hospital and last night was the hospital tour plus a "special activity" for the non-pregnant person of the pair attending the class. As usual, Jeff was a great sport about it and was happy to let me take a few pictures...

Here we are (the pregnant couple)!

Here is Jeff pregnant:

Here is the usual "BabyBear & I" picture at 32 weeks:

We're still working on getting the room organized and such (things have been really busy with work lately and sadly my motivation hasn't been what it once was), but when we get that done, we'll post more pictures. Hope y'all are having a great day!!


Jill said...

Wow, Jeff, you look great! :) I'm guessing they didn't tell everyone what exactly the "special activity" was until you got to class...?

Bethany - you do look great. :)

Diane England said...

Jeff you look great.

Bethany, you *totally* should have brought a dress for Jeff to wear over that get up!
