Outside my window... a small red oak tree is growing, grass is starting to grow back and squirrels are dodging the traffic driving by.
I am thinking... of how blessed I am to be a WAHM (Work-At-Home-Mom) and how privileged I am to be the one God picked to care for BabyBear and raise him alongside my wonderful Jeff.
I am thankful for...the fact that BabyBear does NOT have an ear infection!
I am wearing... white flowy blouse, baggy blue jeans and socks (just got back from the grocery store, otherwise I’d be barefoot)
I am remembering... how much I like the flavor of Ginger…mmmmmm
I am going... to “Burgers on the Berm” on Friday with Jeff and BabyBear (hoooraay)!!
I am reading...Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible by John MacArthur
I am hoping... to get to the post office today so I can mail a box of baby goodies to a dear friend who is expecting.
On my mind... my family and friends who are not feeling well, it seems like there is definitely something going around. I'm praying they feel better soon!
From the learning rooms... I've been thinking a lot about BabyBear's education and seriously considering homeschooling him. I have to confess I'm intimidated, but intrigued at the same time!
Noticing that... it is so much easier to keep the house in order when I do it consistently than if I let it go and I try all at once to catch up…
Pondering these words... Live simply, work diligently, give generously.
From the kitchen... ran across this recipe for Applesauce Bread and am thinking it sounds really yummy!
Around the house... I need to finish stuffing diapers, swiffer the floors and put away the laundry.
One of my favorite things... is the fall in Texas, where the sky is huge and the brightest blue I have ever seen. The air is crisp, but not too chilly and the pecans are almost ripe.
From my picture journal... a photograph taken by my awesome sister-in-law Diane...

If you would like to take part in The Simple Woman's Daybook, please consult Peggy at http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/ for details.
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