Boy, did the seventh month go by fast, what with Christmas and travel and all... Some big new things, too. First off, BabyBear can sit up (mostly) unassisted. It helps if he's got a toy or something he's focused on, and even then he occasionally wobbles, but for the most part we think he's got it down.
He's also started incorporating some new foods into his diet -- including some "adult" food! We've fed him steamed sweet potatoes and banana (both slices and through a mesh feeder), and he seemed to like both. Rice cereal wasn't a hit, and he was so-so on the jar of apples and bananas, but he LOVED the jar of baby food spinach and potatoes! Here's evidence:
He's talking a lot more, and really seems at times to be repeating us on simple things like "hi" or "I love you." When we repeat his "words" back to him, he often gets a kick out of it, smiling and laughing. He's also enjoyed playing with a lot of his Christmas presents, particularly the Mozart Magic Cube, the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Bunny and the Fisher Price Baby's First Baseball (makes a daddy's heart proud). Another favorite toy is the Stack and Roll Cups.
Speaking of the birthday boy... Here he is!
All in all, it's been a good month!
Glad he's enjoying the new foods. He looks like a little man sitting in front of Fred E Bear. So cute!!
He looks so big to me now! :) Cute pictures.
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