I can not get the people of Haiti out of my mind. Honestly, I don't think I should get them out of my mind. I believe God put them on my mind and on my heart so I can remember to pray, take action and not forget these hurting, broken people.
Growing up in Miami, the island was close to me and I would see weekly reports on the news of Haitians trying to come to the US on boats, only to be turned away and sent back once they got to shore. Many died trying. In Jr. High I had an opportunity to go on a mission trip to the DR side of the island and witness the extreme poverty in some areas there, all the while knowing it was worse in Haiti. That was before the earthquake. It truly breaks my heart to know how things are now. I know it's way worse than what the news outlets are telling us. I also know it breaks the heart of God to see people he created go through this. He knows every name, every situation and every loss and (I believe) wants to bring His love and restoration to this nation.
Giving $ is definitely a good thing to do (any little bit helps), but if you are looking to do more in addition to giving $, we found this opportunity some of you might be interested in. Jeff and I went to an American Baptist church in Pennsylvania and one of our friends there told us about this organization where you can make up kits, specifically Hygiene or Baby kits to be sent to those following a disaster (in this case, it's the earthquake victims). For more information, go to: http://www.churchworldservice.org/site/PageServer?pagename=kits_main/
Personally, it's the orphans, babies and children that are especially on my heart, so I'm making baby kits. There's going to be so many more of them now and so many parents that are going to have to give up their kids because they can't take care of them. All of the items for these kits are sold at Walmart.
Edited to Add: I just found one more way!! Pocket diaper manufacturer Happy Heinys has been donating and working closely with orphanages in Haiti for several years, sending packages with missionaries who hand-deliver the goods. They are collecting reusable diapers in new or excellent condition and baby clothes to get to the earthquake's littlest victims. They will accept any kind of cloth diapers and they are also looking for donations of baby clothes. You can send to: Happy Heinys 1529 N Cuyamaca St El Cajon CA 92020 (please mark box for donation)
I'm not trying to pressure anyone or make anyone feel bad, but I wanted a way to do more and thought maybe some of you did too. Just thought I'd share...
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