Garden This Week
The garden is still doing well. Actually, it's doing better than ever! The weather cooled off a bit and the plants are definitely happier for it.
I spent some time out there this morning and cleaned it up a bit. The two tomato plants (cherry tomatoes and regular tomatoes) are now in cages and the basil plants have had all their flowers picked off. I also planted zucchini and peas in an urn that are beginning to sprout. I still haven't seen any broccoli, but I just don't have the heart to pull it out, so I'm going to leave it in and see what happens.
Box #1:
Box #2:
Box #3 (sadly falling apart- hey, it was the free one I built at a home depot workshop):
*NEW* Urn #1:
We have six honeydew melons, one cantaloupe, lots of green beans and a ton of sweet bell peppers growing. Here are some random shots from today:
Cantaloupe melon:
Green Beans:
Happy Basil:
Cherry Tomato Plant in 54" cage (this plant is taller than me when it stands up straight):
Soon-to-be orange bell peppers:
Soon-t0-be sweet red peppers:
Cherry tomatoes and blossoms:
Golden Honeydew:
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